Thursday, October 29, 2009

my costume : I have spoken

I am going to be a chicken mcnugget. A googley eyed chicken mcnugget.

My people built the beeramids

So, every once and a while, I get this urge......strange and fraternal....To build a beeramid.
I present to you the beeramid:

O look at the creative "Beeramid Hat" as we like to say.

this is what is known as a iamahomosexualamid. One of the lesser known beeramids. I am pretty sure i am not going to have children any time soon, but if i did, this man would be the father of them.
But, He would have to duel with this man for full reign over my ovaries.

Monday, October 26, 2009

If you are allergic to a thing, it is best not to put that thing in your mouth, particularly if that thing is cats.....

-Lemony Snicket

Monday, October 19, 2009

Reasons I hate holloween part Deaux

o, and I had this dream last night that there were hundreds of little (and I mean little, like the size of a peanut) baby otterz all around me. I kept trying to pet them, and they kept biteing me with there little baby otter bites.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I give up on Humanity, decency, the easter bunny, puppies and magick

So I typed into google "i like to" and the first (with 13,400 results) was this.......see for yourself.........whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

rearrrrrrrrrr rarrrrrrrrrrrrr
" I am a BIG Dinosaur!!!!RAARRR!! with little ity bitty little hands.:"

( um....just noticed the "i like to think of jesus" ones.......) wow.....i feel like a google rave is caressing my search bar

so its going to be THAT kind of day......

Monday, October 12, 2009

last night, part 293452034923

LAST night I had my normal fantasy about a civil war vet.....hmm......anyway....then

I went around dancing! o how I danced! and everyone loved me! smiles and smiles because of my dancing laaaaaa laaaaa laaa

Then I rode in a teacup, with misty and amber moon
Ugh....none of those things happened. I had some people over for dinner... :( o everything but the civil war fantasy. That is sadly....and awesomely true

Friday, October 9, 2009

nobel peace prize ,smobel scheace smize.....

Obama found A F*cken UNICORN!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

a small rapeing from Niemen's

Introducing the latest catalog goodie from the niemen marcus catalog...

THis is real! I am serious this time.......blahhhhhh google it....

A $25,000 CUPCAKE CAR.

As Best week ever puts it " — at seven miles per hour , it is slow enough to be noticed, but fast enough to outrun your local hallucinating obese person. "

Indeed ....thank you richies.....for being such fucking fuck fucks

Monday, October 5, 2009

This is one of the best paintings I have ever laid eyes is giving me an arton.....then after artgasm......then it makes me a ham artwitch......

This is the best i can do.....hungover try to come up with funny crap all the time.......its head

Friday, October 2, 2009

If I ever get a cat i am naming him mr. vanslooten

thats it

Holloween is putting boo boo's on my feelings

As Many of you know, holloween is coming up. Ahh...time for candy, and fun and yee hee haa....NO IT IS NOT...It is a time when people have an excuse to be idiot sluts!

..I can't be to hard on him...i mean... he is asian.

OOO i get it ....the green one is jabba the hut. Good job kids mom....good if he wasn't lame is your fault that he will be getting nipples tattooed on his ass....
o....thats better........

right now a teeny tiny part of me actually likes this one..........wait..................wait.............oo now i dont...

i farted