Wednesday, February 24, 2010


My desktop is a smidge messy..I decided to give it a nice little cleaning today...
I found a long lost folder entitled ak(&(HFS#@__

Enjoy....There going to the crapper after this post

Monday, February 22, 2010

um.....ya....that smell.....the dog......I need to stop feeding it people food.....I know....gross......oops him again....what? no...he can like "throw" his farts.....crazy......please leave my office.....door closed...ya thanks

Every..VERY single time I have tried to google something today....................................... This------------------------------->

Has been the top ad on my google ad bar. figured that THIS fits my demographic perfectily.......
so....people that google "swivel chairs," "Fat man riding tandem bike" "how to play a lute" and "henti porn" Like Footie pajamas....

who knew? ....listen to me....
I have to admit......All I have had to eat today is a sour gummy worm and a pinky fingernail I chewed off and accidentily meh...I am a little grumpy

But I do NOT want to, NOR ever want to buy your footie pajamas...I am not three months old...I can sometimes put on my pants myself....

As tempting as it is to see these celebrities with their footies....I am going to have to say....

                                 thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssss footies~!

-love kevin-

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Do you really want to hurt me?


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Community college

So, today I have decided to dedicate my blog post to making fun of community college.
It is one of those things that pisses me off...because everyone thinks they are in "real" college...but they are they try to have fraternitys and social clubs....but it dosn't quite work out, because only three people will be in each one...and nobody cares..because it is COMMUNITY COLLEGE.
Anyone can get in !!!!!! my dead ferrett from middle school is already pre approved to take classes..

The people of community college.
 ...All the people pictured below are getting there associates degree in pharmiciducalology or mechanical car manship....and they are all pregnant.
The flowers dont help...
Is it just me, or do they stragitically put all the black people in the back?

Nope not just me.....

Now I am not knocking Community college ...actually that is exactily what I am doing....Anyhoo...I went to community college back in the day...and let me tell you.......
I remember one of my classes had these three girls in the front that wore burkas...I mean...really? There could be Anyone under there, at any time! .."hey..I don't want to go to class today...Ill just put spry granny in this burka and ship her off to class."
the end

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Angry norwegians in scuba gear attack google car.

So Norway, finally got "google street view"

So this is the story....
The google street car(the one that takes all the pictures, captured a sequence of ....all I can see is pure brilliance.......

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I have watched this video 400 times in the past 20 minutes